A rough debate long lasted in the medical on really whether male menopause and, where appropriate, what their effect on male sexual performance profession. There are many questions. If it really exists or not, at what age begin it to affect your sexual performance?
What precautions can be taken to prevent their arrival and there are treatments to help reverse this? If it is real, how is how female menopause?
It is a matter of course men through sexuality changes ageing, as women to measure. Erection a la carte enjoyed in adolescence already performance is not the case for forty years. Gradually as they grow older, men begin to notice changes in their sexual functioning as the impetus for sex also decreases.
As they age, it takes more time for men to achieve an erection on penis requires a more direct reach stimulation and awoke stay. Mount can also be at an angle, rather than rigid and straight and ejaculation may not be so overwhelming. In addition, the time that passes between the erections becomes longer.
Instead of physics, the decrease in a man's sexual performance also is caused by psychological factors such as a midlife crisis. His sexual diminishing performance could be attributed to a number of external factors.
It could be due to lack of interest in a woman of age is not the nena was just ten years ago, the stress of work, children growing demands, or financial difficulties even concerns about caring for elderly parents.
Then, how distinguish between a midlife crisis and male menopause? A midlife crisis is more a problem of psycho-social adjustment, which means that you can have nothing to do with the sex life of a man. However, the male menopause is clearly nature physiological, similar in many respects to female menopause.
Since often men can have both the physical and psychological factors that affect them, the line between male menopause and the midlife crisis becomes blurred.
Although menopause is most associated with women, men experience a different kind of menopause or "change life." When women are no longer menstruating and usually already can not get pregnant, men can follow to father children. The symptoms of menopause in men and women are similar as times can be so overwhelming.
As reported in Andrology: the science of the dysfunction of the male reproductive system, approximately 40% of men between 40 and 60 suffer from some degree of lethargy, depression, irritability, changes in mood, bochornos, insomnia, decreased sexual desire, weakness, loss of lean body mass and bone mass, making them susceptible to hip fractures, and the difficulty to reach and sustain erections (impotence).
(Male sex hormone) Testosterone stimulates the sexual development in boys, bone and muscle in adult males growth and also controls the male sexual performance and sexual conduct. Testosterone levels decrease gradually after 40 years of age.
In healthy men 55 years, the amount of testosterone is significantly less than 10 years earlier, and in 80 lowers levels to puberty.
In 1944 what is now described as male menopause is reported in a key article written by two US doctors, Carl Heller and Gordon Myers. Comparison of symptoms with female menopause, made a blind controlled trial demonstrating the effectiveness of testosterone treatment.
But as many pioneering efforts its results were men unreported due to not being prepared to accept that there could be "menopause", while men with genuine symptoms and sexual dysfunctions are often said that it was a midlife crisis, or simply on their heads.
Around while Testosterone therapy had entered into disrepute in public opinion due to misuse and abuse of the athletes. So the concept of the male hormone replacement therapy for male menopause, impotence, sexual problems or performance symptoms was not well received.
Added to this, the enthusiasm about side effects and the tie between prostate cancer and hormone replacement more denied acceptance by many men.
Only after HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) became popular and produced results for women, by providing a tangible improvement in symptoms and "investment of age in post-menopáusicas women, men are beginning to take note and upload to your shopping cart, not wanting to get left behind their female counterparts."